
  1. 英语词汇
  2. 了解计算机的基本框架(输入、存储、处理、输出)

参考视频:计算机组成部分(what makes a computer)



【NOIP 2018 普及组初赛 q01】以下哪一种设备属于输出设备
A. 扫描仪   B. 键盘   C. 鼠标   D. 打印机  


【NOIP 2018 普及组初赛 q06】如果开始时计算机处于小写输入状态,现在有一只小老鼠反复按照CapsLock、 字母键A、字母键 S、字母键D、字母键 F 的顺序循环按键,即 CapsLock、A、 S、D、F、CapsLock、A、S、D、F、……,屏幕上输出的第 81 个字符是字母 ( )
A. A   B. S   C. D   D. a  

English Note

If you’re reading this right now, you’re using a computer. Maybe it’s a laptop, maybe a desktop computer, or perhaps even a smartphone. They may look different, but they all share the same underlying technology. The more we understand how that technology works, the more we can use the computers around us to help make our world better.

Every computer takes in input data, stores and processes it, and outputs results in some way.

Diagram of computer concepts